
Join the Movement: Become a Planetier Today!

Get first-hand news, updates on our ecosystem’s impactful work, and access to our networking opportunities. Join this vibrant community dedicated to collaborative change. Don't just watch the change—be the change. Only together, we’ll be able to build a more sustainable and regenerative world. Join now!



20-22 October 2024

Join us for a transformative three-day event uniting the world's leading sustainability innovators. From inspiring keynotes to immersive experiences and networking opportunities, discover groundbreaking solutions, forge connections, and drive impactful change on a global scale at the Planetiers World Gathering. Don't miss your chance to be part of the movement shaping the future of sustainability and regeneration.

Aveiro, Portugal

Our Ecosystem







We build bridges to accelerate sustainability and regeneration.

At Planetiers, we are not just a platform; we are an ecosystem of sustainability enthusiasts, committed to educating, inspiring, and accelerating sustainable businesses. Our mission is clear: find the best talents and solutions to connect with the challenges of multisectoral organizations and markets.